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"Modern Rooms, comfortable stay, great value!"

A review of Addenro House Hotel by John Cobalt written on Sunday 20th of February 2011


I've had contracts in Southampton over the last 3 years and have stayed in many Bed and Breakfast in the area, including Addenro B&B about 2 years ago. The new manager, Sam, asked me to put a review up and I felt I must do as this place is absolutely fantastic! It was a massive change from the last time I stayed there. The rooms have been modernised with new showers and really modern look. The place has that fresh smell when you come in and it was noticable this time. I would rate it 5/5 cleanliness and 5/5 for the breakfast!

I have recommended the B&B to my company and wish the new management all the best! Sam is a great chap and he now owes me a drink for this review!!


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Addenro House Hotel

Map showing Addenro House Hotel on Howard Road
