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"Cant believe people say they are a scam"

A review of Double Take Studios by Lola adams written on Monday 15th of March 2010


It was my friends 21st birthday so I bought her a Doubletake experience as a present; I bought it on offer 2 for 1 on buy a gift.com. I was looking around for ideas and one of my friends had been to a similar sort of thing so I thought it would be quite good, I hadn’t heard anything about Doubletake specifically just a similar kind of thing.

My friend kept rushing me through photography but my photographer was lovely, she made me feel really comfortable. I’m not a natural poser so it was good when she helped with everything and told me where to put my hands and stuff like that. I enjoyed the whole Double take experience, it was such good fun, it’s a nice way to make yourself feel good, everyone likes to feel pretty once in a while and I did. It was such a nice thing to do.


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Double Take Studios

Map showing Double Take Studios on Queensway
