This page displays sold house prices for Admirals Quay in Southampton.
Admirals Quay in Southampton SO14 consists predominantly of flats. Properties on Admirals Quay typically have values around £200,000 - £250,000, ranging up to around £300,000 for top end flats.
187 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£150,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
18th September 2014 |
189 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£150,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
24th July 2014 |
191 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£180,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
24th July 2014 |
205 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£250,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
21st July 2014 |
206 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£235,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
29th July 2014 |
208 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£240,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
24th July 2014 |
218 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£240,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
28th July 2014 |
225 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£137,500 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
21st July 2014 |
226 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£148,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
15th August 2014 |
227 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£200,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
3rd September 2014 |
234 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£225,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
21st July 2014 |
245 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LJ
£240,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
11th August 2014 |
261 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LN
£157,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
4th August 2014 |
266 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LN
£180,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
15th August 2014 |
270 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LN
£160,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
4th August 2014 |
273 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LN
£200,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
14th October 2014 |
278 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LN
£172,500 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
26th August 2014 |
279 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LN
£172,500 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
22nd August 2014 |
282 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LN
£205,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
3rd October 2014 |
295 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LN
£120,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
8th August 2014 |
299 The Blake Building Admirals Quay, Southampton SO14 3LN
£220,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
29th September 2014 |